Many horses spend more than twenty hours a day shut up in stables,where they are forced to stand on bedding soiled by urine and manure.The moisture and acidity of stable floors and bedding affect the soles and frogs of our horses' feet, which are often weakened, even damaged.
Hoof Solution is a remarkable product recommended by most farriers, riders, and horse professionals. It is used on frogs and soles that are soft, sensitive, smelly, and/or too thin. Coating the sole and frog of the foot with Hoof Solution each time the horse is reshod and before any silicone is applied is highly recommended.
Thanks to the included applicator brush, Hoof Solution is very quick and easy to use. It adheres perfectly to the sole and frog of the foot if they are clean and dry. Regular application will give optimal results. Hoof Solution is suitable for all types of horses, whether shod or unshod, and whatever the time of year.
Instructions for use:
- Prevention: 1application a week.
- Damaged frogs: 1 application
- Severely damaged frogs: 1 application a day for 3-5 days (depending on severity).